1 . Information on Meritable website
1.1 Via the publicly available website Meritable provides access to general information for use at your own discretion and under your own responsibility. The information on this website is not intended to give advice and/or explanation about your specific legal, tax and/or financial position, and/or the opportunities and/or risks of your specific case. Our Terms of Service, Cookie Policy and Privacy Policy apply to the access to this website. The terms of Service contain a limitation of liability. Extended service options are available via this website, to which additional terms and conditions apply. You can find our terms & conditions here.
1.2 Meritable does not act as an attorney at law or public notary. Our services do not include legal privilige.
1.3 Meritable does not operate a license for the provision of financial services, such as providing advise and/or mediation of financial products. We do not recommend specific financial products of financial companies and we do not provide financial and/or tax advice.
2 . Links to Meritable websites
2.1 Meritable would like You to include a link to the Websites. If You link to Meritable websites under these Terms of Service, You will receive a non-exclusive, royalty-free sub-license for the Meritable brand owned by Meritable B.V. and can only be used to provide an underlined, textual link from Your website to a Meritable website. No other use of Meritable brand, names or logo is permitted without written permission from Meritable.
2.2 The link provided must refer to a full version of a page and not directly refer to an image or file hosted on the Meritable website, services, data application or apps. This also means in-line linking methods that allow an image or file hosted on Meritable websites, servers or data programs to be displayed on other websites. It is not allowed to frame Meritable Websites, Apps and/or Service(s) or content, so that they are surrounded by someone else’s work, marketing material or branding.
2.3 We reserve the right to change, replace or remove any link, image, video or other file and/or code on Meritable websites (without informing You) and/or the possibility to link to restrict Meritable websites, services, data or apps.
3. Links from Meritable websites
3.1 On the Websites, or social media, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook or Google plus, there may be links to other non-Meritable websites. We have no control over or responsibility for these websites or resources. We do not sponsor third-party websites and do not make recommendations about the content, files or conditions of third-party websites. The inclusion of a link does not mean that the content of third-party websites is approved.
4. Disclaimer Websites, Apps and/or Self-service Services
4.1 Our Websites and Apps provide access to general information services. The use of these Websites, Apps and/or Self-service offering is Your responsibility and at Your risk, including loss of service or data. All information provided by Meritable’s Websites, Apps and/or Self-service offering is impersonal and not adapted to the specific needs of a person, entity or group of persons.
4.2 The information on the Websites, Apps and/or Self-service offering is not intended as professional advice for Your specific legal, tax or financial position and/or advice about the risks and opportunities of Your specific case. The information on our Websites, Apps and/or Self-service offering is not intended as a replacement for legal or procurement advice. Our Websites, Apps and/or Self-service offering are not a full representation of Dutch legislation, case-law or procurement practices.
4.3 The Websites, Apps and/or Self-service offering are delivered as is, without guarantees. Meritable makes no representations or warranties with respect to the Websites, Apps and/or Self-service Service(s). Without limiting the foregoing, Meritable does not guarantee that the Websites, Apps and/or Self-Service Service(s) are safe, error-free, free of viruses or malicious code, or meet certain functionality, quality or performance criteria. Meritable does not guarantee the availability, timeliness, accuracy or completeness of all functions, functionality, content, data or information relating to the Websites, Apps and/or the Self-service Service(s) of Meritable.
4.4 Meritable does not offer any express or implied warranties with respect to any content, data, information or values relating to the Websites, Apps and/or Self-service Service(s) or results that may be obtained therefrom, and expressly disclaims all warranties. with respect to marketability, completeness, accuracy, security, non-infringement, use or suitability for a particular purpose with respect to the Websites, Apps and/or Self-service Service(s).
4.5 Meritable accepts no liability whatsoever for providing the information or functionality on our Websites, Apps and/or Self-Service Service(s), to the extent permitted by law. Meritable, its licensors and their respective employees, contractors, agents, suppliers and vendors are not liable or responsible for any damages – direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive or otherwise – arising from the Websites, Apps and/or Self -service Service(s), or any content, data or values related to this – whether arising from negligence or otherwise, to the maximum extent permitted by law.
4.6 Nothing on the Websites, Apps and/or Self-service Service(s) of Meritable can be considered or can be understood as professional advice, investment advice, approval of certain third parties, their products or services or investment recommendations (for example recommendations on or not to “contract”, “maintain”, “terminate”, or to enter into another transaction or any other contract relating to specific interests or business interests) by Meritable or a recommendation regarding a corporate, legal or procurement strategy by Meritable. Content, data and other information available through the Meritable Websites, Apps and/or Self-service Service(s) may not be considered as sufficient information for You or a third party to base an investment decision on for Your business, to request governmental licenses or permits, promote Your business, or otherwise obtain services or other benefits from a third party.
4.7 Meritable does not express an opinion on the future or expected value of a business opportunity, contract, service, asset, investment, security or other business interest and does not suggest or suggest explicitly or implicitly a legal or procurement strategy of any kind.
4.8 The above disclaimers and limitations of liability apply not only to Meritable, but also to its Affiliates. The above disclaimers and liability limitations apply to the maximum extent allowed by the law, regardless of whether this is the case in contract, law, tort or otherwise.